Hello world!

Hi all, this blog contains updates from people that we call Panya Family.  These are people who have spent a certain amount of time at Panya and now are considered part of the family structure of the place.  All are invited to post their updates and their happenings at this site.  Some of the posts may be about Panya itself, and others around about random places all around the globe.  But all have a personal connection to the people at Panya.


The permaculture and natural building that happens at Panya doesn't just stop at Panya's door.  The volunteers, interns, and course participants come way from this Thailand Permaculture center with momentum that carries them out into the world.  We hope eventually to fill these pages with great updates and interesting articles. 

Do you want to make a Post?

If you are one of the Panya Project Family, or even someone who has just passed through, and you would like to post something to our Panya Permaculture Family Blog page, just send it to us (panyaproject (at) gmail.com) and we will get it posted up here for you.


With Love and light to all.  May we build that brighter world.  At this SE Asia Permaculture project, or at all your homes around the world.

The People of Panya

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