
The Panya Project is in partnership with Terra-Genesis International to provide high quality international Permaculture consulting services around the globe.  Christian Shearer, one of the founders of The Panya Project is also currently the CEO of Terra Genesis International and equipped to do high quality design work in Thailand and abroad.

Terra Genesis International Services:

Ecological Design for the unique challenges of the 21st century.

Combining the most up to date scientific ecological design strategies with a community focused approach and an eye on the economics, Terra Genesis International delivers consulting services that go beyond the expectations of the clients and have long-lasting benefits.  We are here to make a difference, for you, for the planet, and for the community.

Our consulting services include the following fields of expertise:

Ecological Design

Our designs have the diversity, stability and productivity of natural ecosystems, with maximum self maintenance and minimum need for additional inputs.

Landscape Master Planning

Permaculture Design works with an understanding of fundamental landscape characteristics, and works with that to create a sympathetic design to fit.

Carbon Farming

Taking a base reading and monitoring carbon levels in the soil and biology will help us to assess the overall ecological impact of your design.

Biological Waste Management

Both liquid and solid wastes can be managed effectively and ecologically.  Whenever possible we work with clients to not only manage their own waste, but to make it a benefit to the system.


Nature provides a startling array of organism that are designed in order to deconstruct and decompose organic materials in order to build soil.   Using bacteria and fungi can have amazing results in cleaning up the damage done by agricultural chemicals and even oil spills.

Market & Product Development

Direct marketing to consumers has always been the most viable way for small land-holders to make a living off the land.  Just recently with the emergence of the slow food movement, organic food and local community awareness, this is catching on again.  Terra Genesis can assist with market and product development to help your project succeed economically.

Participatory Education Services

We empower local farmers, social activists, and community developers with high quality educational services.  From Edible Forest Gardening to the dynamic Permaculture Design Course, to Financial Permaculture and Carbon Farming, Terra Genesis hosts courses around the world and provides services and consulting to other educational groups.

Our Tools:

Along with the skills that each of our designers brings, we have a number of tools that we regularly use to help flesh out a design.

Permaculture Design

Using the principles and ethics of Permaculture Design, we create dynamic systems that function with less inputs and increase short and long term yields.

Keyline Design

Managing the flow of water through a piece of land can be the single most important function of a design. Through the correct application of Keyline Design, we can keep the pastures green longer, the trees growing faster and the profits rising, while using up to 70% less water.

 Holistic Management  

Holistic Management works by managing towards an integrated goal developed by all decision makers and using financial management tools that lead to the triple bottom line of quality of life, environmental sustainability, and profit.

Soil Food Web Technologies

Understanding the complex interactions of the microbiology in the soil is key to the regeneration of land. We utilize the science behind the Soil Food Web to make informed decisions about how to improve soil fertility or prepare the soil for a planting.

Surveying and GIS Mapping

Using the appropriate technologies to accurately map out the clients land, we will start our design with a comprehensive survey of the land. Topographical accuracy is very important to our design, which is then imported into GIS mapping software and used as the basemap for our designs.