Good Ol’ Greg and his New Project

Hello Panya World,

It's me, Greg. Greg Crawford. Also known as Gregory, or that blonde that lived in that really cool house with the white rabbit . . .

Well, no; I am not at Panya anymore . . . after going to The Netherlands and hanging with The Beard in Belgium, then through France, stopping at infamous and multi-million Euro squats, I went to Damanhur, Italy (secret-temple-complex built into the mountain = GO). Then through the Balkans/former Yugoslavia, to Turkey. Then Brazil. 


Now, in Mexico, I am planning on releasing all the information I was paid (through college via study abroad and independent learning contracts) to gather. 

I will be opening a 'transforming abandoned buildings publishing company'. The first item slated is the quasi-novel 'Fall Apart Park'.

THE AFTERWORDS ARCHIVE: Un-Ruining The World's Abandonments; Publishing Works of Dynamic Adaptive Re-Use

The lovely folks at Urban Ghosts Media wrote an article about me and my ventures better than I could; check it out.

I am working on an online database for 'approaching abandoned spaces' at appropedia.

If you feel like this is something worth your time, energy, attention, support, and/or $$$, I am trying to launch the project via Kickstarter. Kickstarter is a crowdsourcing platform. I am attempting to generate $4,000 by June 5. It's a tight run, and will definitely be a photo-finish. 


I can be reached at &

I love you,

Gregory Crawford



Gregory Crawford
~Writer & Journalist~
~Abandoned Building Regenerator~
author of
  a very very novel novel





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